Venture into a world of horror. Face the monsters within...
Death Rite is an innovative asymmetrical 2 player game pitting prey against their hunter in an ever-changing environment of strategy and dread. One person, the Survivor, must explore their mysterious surroundings by finding items, uncovering tiles, and searching for two of three ritual piece cards to win. Meanwhile, the Killer must do whatever it takes to chase, corner, and kill their foe as they indulge in their savage bloodlust.
Choosing from a wide variety of characters and customizing their own unique decks, players will find this to be a nerve-wracking and high-stakes experience that's both hard to master... and survive.
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Tall, slender, and beautiful, Morgana Meredith Morgenstern (青木 貞子) is a magnificent Gothic visage to behold, and a writer with a passion for all things obscure, occult, and wickedly macabre. Loves potatoes... because Irish. Loves sushi... because Japanese.
For years, Morgenstern Publishing has proudly brought readers the best in horror, art, and drama from the creative mind of its highly accomplished founder, M.M. Morgenstern. We feature products ranging from novels to audiobooks, comics, tabletop games, gifts, and more!