Fast-paced card combat set in a gangland of horrors...
Redlight Reckoning CCG is a fast-paced character-based card game intended for quick showdowns players can enjoy when out and about, or while relaxing at home. Combat revolves around Character Cards inflicting damage and using strategic effects on each other through the use of Action Cards until only one of a player’s Character Cards is left alive, at which point they are defeated.
Each Character Card, as well as the Action Cards, all possess unique Effect Icons which represent their powers and abilities. These are all intended to be understandable at a glance to create a speedy and nearly text-free experience.
Download the complete Player's Manual for convenient access through your phone or tablet!
V 1.1 Changelog
- Added latest Expansion Traits, Weaknesses & Effect Icons
- Added Warpath Rules
- Wording updates
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Tall, slender, and beautiful, Morgana Meredith Morgenstern (青木 貞子) is a magnificent Gothic visage to behold, and a writer with a passion for all things obscure, occult, and wickedly macabre. Loves potatoes... because Irish. Loves sushi... because Japanese.
For years, Morgenstern Publishing has proudly brought readers the best in horror, art, and drama from the creative mind of its highly accomplished founder, M.M. Morgenstern. We feature products ranging from novels to audiobooks, comics, tabletop games, gifts, and more!